Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's...Jesus
Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's...Jesus. You were expecting me to say Maybelline, weren't you? For all you guys out there that don't know what I am talking about, this is a popular catch phrase for the makeup company Maybelline, New York. While I was getting ready this morning, putting on my own makeup actually, I overhead the television downstairs which was tuned in to an infomercial on Sheer Cover makeup (not associate with Maybelline ,New York). Some of the ear-catching phrases included "It will change your day, it will change your week, it will change the way people perceive you." "We have a GREAT GREAT GREAT product here." "It changed my life." More women went on to say that it was such a life changing, pivotal aspect of their life that they had to tell all of their friends about it. Women, when you find a new type of makeup that just gives you this GLOW that you've never had before-do you feel the need to tell your friends about it? More than likely, the answer is yes. Think about it. You're sitting around having coffee, or whatever it is you drink, with your best girlfriends and someone compliments your skin and then you go on this twenty minute schpeel about your new makeup and how they just MUST try it. Here's the twist. How awesome would it be if the next time someone complimented you on your glow, or your appearance if you gave God the glory. Don't you agree that he is a "GREAT GREAT GREAT product." He's also able to "change your day...change your week...change the way people perceive you." Wouldn't you say God is more worthy than the makeup company that produces your favorite cover up? This hit me really hard because I was really caught up in this infomercial and thinking "man I have got to try this stuff" when God spoke to me. It went a little something like this:
Me (thinking): Man, this stuff is awesome! It can cover up anything.
God: Hey...Megan. You know, my son can cover up more than that makeup. He covers the sin of the world.
Me: Wow, you're right. I've got to write this down!
And here I am now, writing this blog about how Jesus is better than makeup. Here's the challenge. Ladies-when you start to give a makeup company or a clothes manufacturer the glory for your appearance, give God the glory for the beautiful creation of yourself. You are beautiful inside and it shows through. With that, I'm out like the sunshine on the B-E-A-Utiful day!
hey megan!!i love this blog of yours!!god is better than my coverup!!and this is a very good way for u to put it out there!!well i love u!!
I'll remember this next time I think about talking about makeup. Oh man, did I actually type that? Oh no, now everyone will know.
J/K! Hope you're day is going great!
HEY Megan!! that is so awesome!!! your right God can cover up more than any cover up there is!!!!! i love you and i am praying for you always and praying for what God is doing in your life!!! you are wonderful!!!
<3 always
p.s. tell becca i said happy birthday!
Wow Megan!! That is amazing!! It is so true!!! I think it is so funny how god can talke to you at the wierdest time!! Then he blows your socks off!!
I <3 you
Thanks guys for all of your feedback! E-i love you too! Bish- If you need any make up advice just let me know, ok! You're the best, bro! Rach- I love you, I got you, and I told Becca. Molly-God blows me away constantly and it is the most amazing feeling in the world! Britt-get ready girl, cuz God is about to use the two of us in some AMAZING ways...JUST YOU WAIT! Love you guys! Thanks again for your comments
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