Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Upward Influence

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Lately I've really felt God speaking to me in BIG ways and satan has been fighting it tooth and nail. He's throwing everything he's got at me...too bad God always wins. If I were to try to do things on my own I would fail miserably, but through God's grace and power I am safe from these attacks. Anywho...the BIG plans satan is trying to bash are the plans that my friend Brittney and I have to create a Christian magazine for girls--one with a Christian approach to the issues addressed in Cosmo, etc; an approach that is creative and relevant, just like our church (NewSpring). Check out Brit's blog, also under my link list, for more info about our magazine concept. By now you are probably wondering, "So what does 'Vertical' have to do with this blog? Well, that is Brit's design for the cover of our mag. Vertical, an Upward Influence. For more on the creative aspects, seriously check out Brit's blog. She's brilliant. On that, I'm out like me--I was the fat kid in dodge ball!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omg Megan i am so excited for the magazine!! I want to help out any way that i can!! I love you and Yoda so much!!
<3 Molly