Monday, November 12, 2007

Your first love?

Lately I've felt that God is calling me to something so much bigger than I can comprehend. My fiance has had the exact same feeling. We just have this huge excitement and wonder rolling within us, as if we're standing on the edge of a cliff, attached to a hand glider with the perfect wind about to lift us to flight. We are on the edge of something huge and I'm pretty pumped about it. Will feels like God may be calling him to start some kind of ministry, he's passionate about young people and football, I know I'm called to be his helper and I'm passionate about underpriveleged young people. So what is it that God is calling us to? I'm not quite sure, but after reading the pitfalls of people who are new to ministry (Young Lions) on Clayton Kings blog, I realized that I must be certain to remain in Christ and HE will guide my steps. This was one of the final pitfalls Clayton warned about:
Losing The First Love - from personal experience, I can say that all of the creativity and energy that YoungLions have penned up inside their hearts and heads can distract them from the main thing; staying connected to the Vine. In John 15, Jesus made it clear that if we remain in Him, we will bear much fruit, but apart from Him, we can do nothing. NOTHING. Young Lions must not forget that we are called first to Christ, not success or church planting or executive decision-making. He must always remain our first love.

Is He your first love?

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